Gainsborough United Reformed Church

Gainsborough United Reformed Church - Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

The church was built in 1897 as a memorial to John Robinson, pastor of the Mayflower Pilgrims. We hold a permanent Pilgrim exhibition in our Mayflower Room. The two manual pipe organ built in 1903 by Forster and Andrews is listed by the British Institute of Organ Studies as an instrument of national heritage importance.

The Mayflower Room - Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

The two manual pipe organ built in 1903 by Forster and Andrews -
 Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

The church has its own website which can be visited here: Gainsborough United Reformed Church.

Postcode: DN21 2JR, click here to find on Google Maps

Open: 18-19th May, Saturday 10am - 3pm • Sunday 1pm - 4pm

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*Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity