Showing posts with label Disabled Access (Full). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disabled Access (Full). Show all posts

Laughton Methodist Church

Laughton Methodist Chapel
Dating from 1826, the chapel was used as a Sunday School until 1969. The second chapel adjacent to the first dates from 1927. A new Sunday School was added in 1975. The Primitive Methodist magazine of 1859 records an account by A Worsnop of the re-opening of the chapel after enlargement. 

This was necessary because of a revival in the winter of 1857-8 and consent was obtained from WM Ingram Esq. On the north wall inside Laughton Methodist church is a white stone tablet with incised gold lettering commemorating a single World War 2 casualty.

Open 18-19th May   Saturday 10.30am - 4pm • Sunday 10.30am - 4pm

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Sixhills • All Saints

All Saints church is a Grade II listed building standing in a picturesque location on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds, with a wonderful view.
The village has associations with Gilbert of Semperingham through the Gilbertine Priory. The church was rebuilt in the late 1860s - 1875 by James Fowler of Louth. 
Light refreshments will be available throughout the day.

Postcode: LN8 3RL click here to find on Google Maps

Open: 11-12th May - Saturday 11am - 4pm • Sunday 11am - 4pm

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Blyborough • St Alkmund

Blyborough - St Alkmund by  Ian S and
 licensed for 
reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

St Alkmund Church is a Grade 1 Listed Building. A church at Blyborough is mentioned in the Domesday Book. St Alkmund’s is set in a delightful churchyard full of wild flowers, sloping down to the ornamental lake of Blyborough Hall. The Georgian tower is decorated with reused medieval gargoyles. One of them of an eagle with a woman’s face, looks straight at you as you walk up the churchyard path! Inside the church, much more is preserved of the ancient building, including a tall Early English three bay north arcade with circular piers, keeled responds, stiff leaf capitals and double chamfered arches.

Postcode: DN21 4HEclick here to find on Google Maps

Visit this church's page on the Explore Churches website here:

Open: 18th-19th May, Saturday 11am-4pm, Sunday 

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Keelby - St Bartholomew

Keelby - St Bartholomew

Keelby St Bartholomew by David Wright*

Our Grade I listed, 12th century church will be open and decorated. A selection of archive records will be on display with photographs. The hand written roll of honour was of interest to many in the past festivals. There is a memorial to Pte Arthur Jackson who was killed in France in 1917. The churchyard holds Commonwealth War Graves. Refreshments will be served. An opportunity to chime the 3 bells. Art exhibition over the weekend.

Postcode: DN41 8EB click here to find on Google Maps

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Open: 11-12th May - Saturday 10am-4pm • Sunday 1pm-4pm

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*David Wright [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Swallow - Holy Trinity

Swallow - Holy Trinity
Copyright John Firth and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Built over many centuries from 11th to 19th, Holy Trinity is a small village church with a traditional layout. This year’s theme will be the history of Swallow Village, with copies of that history on sale. 

Postcode: LN7 6DL click here to find on Google Maps

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Open: 20-21st May - Saturday 9am - 5pm • Sunday 9am - 5pm

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Market Rasen - Holy Rood

Happy Birthday! 200 years old! While the original building was 1782, significant alterations were made in 1824 to form the structural layout of the church it is today. Come and join in our celebrations which include live performances of music, storytelling, a murder mystery, and a ghost story re the current haunted presbytery. Light refreshments are available. The Sixhills cope and centuries old books will be on display. Please do check Holy Rood website for the latest details.

Postcode: LN8 3BB click here to find on Google Maps

Open: 11-12th May - Saturday 10am - 3.30pm, Sunday 12.30pm - 4.30pm

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Linwood - St Cornelius

Linwood - St Cornelius*    Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

Home of the Lynwode Family, two brasses of National Importance dedicated to the family, birthplace of William Lynwood, author of Provinciale, consolidation of chancery law used as a reference worldwide. The only church dedicated to St Cornelius with 13th stained glass windows, a medieval moat exists around part of the church. A royal deer park was situated near the church. Grade one listed with grade two cross. One of the few spired church towers in the county.

Postcode: LN8 3QQ  click here to find on Google Maps

Open: 11-12th May  Saturday 10.30am - 4pm  Sunday 10.30am - 4pm

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Scotter - St Peter

Scotter - St Peter (by Jonathan Billinger source)

Our beautiful church has parts dating back to the 11th century, and unique 17th century ‘Ringers Rhymes’. Bell ringers will give short demonstration and you can try your hand at bell ringing with the Lincoln Guild ringing simulator or, (suitable for 10 years upwards) a real bell. The able bodied can climb the tower to view the bells and our 1848 James Harrison clock in its original case with notation and graffiti (small fee). Our popular plant sale on Saturday.

Postcode: DN21 3RZ click here to find on Google Maps

Visit our page on here

Open: 18-19th May, Saturday 10am - 4pm • Sunday 11.30am - 4pm.

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Wragby - Methodist

Wragby Methodist Church - Photo Richard Croft (Creative Commons License)

The church organ was originally paid for as a war memorial for the village. Those who went to war and returned are named on one poster and those who sadly died are named on the organ itself. An exhibition of scarecrows depicting historical figures in conjunction with a scarecrow trail organised by the Heritage Group around Wragby.
Postcode: LN8 5RAclick here to find on Google Maps

Visit our chapel on ExploreChurches here:

Open: 11-12th May, Saturday 10am - 4pm • Sunday 12noon - 4pm

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Rothwell - St Mary Magdalene

Rothwell - St Mary Magdalene - Photo Richard Croft (Creative Commons License)

Major parts of the church date from the Norman period and the Anglican parish register dates from 1562. There are nine rich Norman arches in the nave.The tower was originally Saxon. The church was repaired and enlarged in 1849. Display of flowers.
Postcode: LN7 6BBclick here to find on Google Maps

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Open 11-12th May, Saturday 10am - 4pm • Sunday 10am - 4pm

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Brocklesby - All Saints

Brocklesby All Saints *
Brocklesby Church is situated in the stunning grounds of the Brocklesby Estate and features a 1773 organ restored by James Wyatt.

The 1773 Organ *

Church Postcode: DN41 8PN, click here to find on Google Maps.

Open: 11-12th May, Saturday 11am-4pm • Sunday 11am-4pm

* Photography by Ashley Taylor of Push Creativity for the festival

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Gainsborough United Reformed Church

Gainsborough United Reformed Church - Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

The church was built in 1897 as a memorial to John Robinson, pastor of the Mayflower Pilgrims. We hold a permanent Pilgrim exhibition in our Mayflower Room. The two manual pipe organ built in 1903 by Forster and Andrews is listed by the British Institute of Organ Studies as an instrument of national heritage importance.

The Mayflower Room - Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

The two manual pipe organ built in 1903 by Forster and Andrews -
 Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

The church has its own website which can be visited here: Gainsborough United Reformed Church.

Postcode: DN21 2JR, click here to find on Google Maps

Open: 18-19th May, Saturday 10am - 3pm • Sunday 1pm - 4pm

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*Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity

Tealby • All Saints

Tealby All Saints, photo by Gary Brothwell, source

Have a go at ringing our church bells. Our theme is ‘The Bells’. Explore our floral arrangements and everything on display. Explore how we have grown to rely on bells and their everyday uses in our lives. Enjoy a fresh homemade lunch in this Grade I listed building, surrounded by an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Postcode: LN8 3XWclick here to find on Google Maps

Open: 20-21st May, Saturday 10am - 4pm • Sunday 12noon - 4pm

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Kirkby cum Osgodby • St Andrew

Photograph by Richard Croft, source.

St Andrew’s church serves both Kirkby and the adjoining village of Osgodby which has never had an Anglican church of its own. It was built by 1160 and the tower and chancel are both 13th century. The nave was rebuilt in the 19th and 20th century. An interesting feature is the East window which is crooked on one side. No-one knows why.

Postcode: LN8 3PEclick here to find on Google Maps

Open: 11-12th May, Saturday 10am-4pm • Sunday 10am-4pm.

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Nettleham • All Saints

Nettleham All Saints - Copyright Churches Festival - Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

Dating from Saxon times we have many beautiful stained glass windows, including the Hayward East Window. Wall paintings and Bodley and Garner ceilings can be seen. Beside the beck, we are a living, thriving church with many and varied activities, central to village life and a place for quiet contemplation and prayer. Heritage and school input. Informal Concert 11am 13th May by Lincolnshire Branch of the Society of Recorder Players’.

Nettleham All Saints Interior - Copyright Churches Festival - Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*
Resurrected Christ among fields and burning stubble, by John Hayward, 1971. -

There's more information available at

Postcode: LN2 2PD, click here to find on Google Maps

Open: 18-19th May, Saturday 10am - 4.30pm • Sunday 12noon - 4pm.

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*Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity

Laughton • All Saints

Laughton • All Saints, image Richard Croft: Source

Warm and friendly old church Bodley restoration ceiling, chancel, rood screen, reredos (restored 2016). Large medieval knight for brass rubbing. War memorial book viewing. Choral music, Sunday - 2:30pm.

Details of the Evensong (additional to the brochure)

All Saints, Laughton, Sunday, 19 May 2023, 2.30 pm onwards
Music ancient and modern sung by the Trentcliffe Church Choir

Laughton’s resident Trentcliffe Church Choir and church organist will be performing an informal repertoire of music old and new at All Saints as part of this year’s West Lindsey Churches Festival, which takes place in May. 

Free and open to all, the festival is a great chance to take a look inside some of the most beautiful buildings in the district. The oldest building in Laughton, All Saints has been a part of village life since the twelfth century, marking milestones in the lives of many, many villagers, and its bell continues to chime the hours now as it did then, punctuating the days of the schoolchildren opposite and anyone waiting for the bus on the village green down the lane. 

The small local ensemble, who have been performing together for over a decade and often practise at Laughton on a Tuesday evening, sing at services, feast days and festivals throughout the church calendar year, as well as at weddings and funerals. Their patch is the Trentcliffe Group of parishes and occasionally Gainsborough; and the music they perform includes psalms and hymns, sung liturgy and modern church music. 

A warm welcome is extended to everyone to come and listen while soaking up the atmosphere of this Grade I listed medieval church with its striking Victorian painted chancel ceiling and tripych. Refreshments will be served during the weekend, and the event is informal so you can come and go as you like.

Postcode: DN21 3PPclick here to find on Google Maps

Open: 18-19th May,
Saturday 11am - 4pm • Sunday 11am - 4pm.

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Gainsborough - St Thomas of Canterbury

Situated in Cross Street which is small and narrow, the church and the house were built in 1866. The church is decorated in Pugin style and is only a five minute walk from Marshall’s Yard retail centre. North Street and Roseway car parks are also nearby. There will be a costume and textile display as well as information about the WWI memorial. Additional information about the convent school. Refreshments will include tea, coffee and cake.

Parking in nearby Marshall’s Yard Retail Park.

Visit the church's own website here: St Thomas Gainsborough

Postcode: DN21 2AXclick here to find on Google Maps

Open: 18-19th May, Saturday 9am - 5pm • Sunday 10.30am - 5pm

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Willoughton • St Andrew

Willoughton • St Andrew
(photo by Richard Croft, Creative Commons Link)

Apologies, this church is no longer open for the 2024 festival. 

Please check our 'Changes' page for other changes to the brochure:

The church was partially rebuilt in 1794. A new West End Tower and Nave were built on to the 13th century Chancel. It was a typical George III church with a gallery at the West end and box pews. These have been swept away with the subsequent Victorian restoration in 1888, leaving behind the church seen today. 

The remains of the Nicholas Sutton Tomb in the Sanctuary and the blocked up medieval perpendicular two-light window in the South wall of the chancel are the only surviving evidence of the earlier church.

Postcode:  DN21 4BT, click here to find on Google Maps.

Open: 18-19th May,  Saturday 10am - 4pm • Sunday 10am - 4pm

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Welton • St Mary

Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

Lovely church with fine features including: Christ Hospital Window, Memorial Window (planes of WWI and submarines), two standards from Old Scampton RAF camp, stencilling on ceiling above chancel, (Orford monument), and alleged gravestone of Lincolnshire poacher in the churchyard.

Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*
Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity*

Postcode: LN2 3HZ, click here to find on Google Maps.

Open: 18-19th May, Saturday 10am - 4pm • Sunday 12.30pm - 4pm

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*Photo: Ashley Taylor, Push Creativity

Upton cum Kexby • All Saints

A jigsaw church of many periods from Anglo-Saxon to Victorian. There will be a display of kneelers. Please note car parking will not be available in the Rose and Crown car park but available in cemetery car park in Church Road.

Postcode: DN21 5NQ, click here to find on Google Maps 

Open: 18-19th May, Saturday 10.30am - 4pm • Sunday 11am - 4pm

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