Sudbrooke - St Edward

Sudbrooke - St Edward (photo J Thomas Creative Commons License

View this Grade II Iisted building by John Dobson of Newcastle with its unusual blue starred ceiling in the apse. The church was modelled on the Norman church of All Saints, Steetley in Derbyshire.

Postcode: LN2 2QH, click here to find on Google Maps

Open 18-19th May, Saturday 10am - 4pm • Sunday 12noon - 4pm

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Wragby - Methodist

Wragby Methodist Church - Photo Richard Croft (Creative Commons License)

The church organ was originally paid for as a war memorial for the village. Those who went to war and returned are named on one poster and those who sadly died are named on the organ itself. An exhibition of scarecrows depicting historical figures in conjunction with a scarecrow trail organised by the Heritage Group around Wragby.
Postcode: LN8 5RAclick here to find on Google Maps

Visit our chapel on ExploreChurches here:

Open: 11-12th May, Saturday 10am - 4pm • Sunday 12noon - 4pm

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Rothwell - St Mary Magdalene

Rothwell - St Mary Magdalene - Photo Richard Croft (Creative Commons License)

Major parts of the church date from the Norman period and the Anglican parish register dates from 1562. There are nine rich Norman arches in the nave.The tower was originally Saxon. The church was repaired and enlarged in 1849. Display of flowers.
Postcode: LN7 6BBclick here to find on Google Maps

Visit us on ExploreChurches here:

Open 11-12th May, Saturday 10am - 4pm • Sunday 10am - 4pm

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Minting - St Andrew

Minting - St Andrew. Photo by Dave Hitchborne Creative Commons Licence
St Andrew’s will be open as a quiet church for people to enjoy the
peaceful surroundings of a beautiful village church.
Postcode: LN9 5RSclick here to find on Google Maps

visit us on ExploreChurches here:

Open: 9th-10th May, Saturday 11am - 3pm • Sunday 11am - 3pm

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